Saturday, January 27, 2007

The New York Times Rule

There he goes again. Harrison is maybe the only law professor who does not follow the golden rule: Do not write down anything you would not want to see on the front page of the New York Times. So what does he do? He puts the letters I wrote up on classbias. So out it goes into bloggiland and he looks so . . . . well, poorly trained. (Bloggiland!! That is such a side-splitter. I think Duncan, down at the club, came up with that one.)

The NYT rule is an important one to most law professors. In effect, it is dangerous to leave, shall we say, "tracks." For example, suppose you want to say something to a colleague just to reassure him. Oh, something like, "You are twice the scholar Dwayne is." or "I'll make sure that candidate does not get through." Later that colleague repeats what you have said. If there are no tracks you can simply chalk it up to a "misunderstanding" or say "I might of actually said 'You and Dwayne have your own strengths.'" If you have left "tracks" then you are in something of a pickle.

Ok, off to meet with Marvell for coffee. Hugo and Caroline could not make it and I have always found Marvell to be quite interesting so it will be nice to get to know her better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sometimes not writing it down will not save you from the NYT. For example, all did was sell some stock based on something my broker told me and "BOOM" there I was on the NYT. Coupon Coupon